"Now behold, I Myself do establish My covenant with you, and with your descendants after you; and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the cattle, and every beast of the earth with you; of all that comes out of the ark, even every beast of the earth. Genesis 9: 9-10
Mountain Grown Doodles
Is Happy To Introduce
Peter & His Beautiful Bernedoodles

F1 Standard Bernedoodles
Dam: AKC Bernese Mountain Dog
Sires: AKC Standard Poodle
​* One Year Genetic Health Warranty
* Microchipped
Every Bernedoodle Puppy Receives:
Early Daily Stimulation
Regular Grooming: Baths, High Velocity Blow Drying, Nail Trimmings, and Coat Brushing
Introduction To Household Noises (Sirens, Radio, Television, Vacuum Cleaners, Lawn Mowers etc.)
Comprehensive Examination From Our Veterinarian
Regular Dewormings
Age Appropriate Vaccinations
Puppy Pad Training @ 3 Weeks
Doggy Door Training @ 6 Weeks

Jovi AKC Bernese Mountain Dog

Copper AKC Standard Poodle

We Meet At Various Places Outside Of Tennessee. Below Are A Few Mapped Locations That We Have Met In The Past, Along With The Delivery Fee.
$ 65.00 Weaverville, NC
$ 65.00 Abingdon, VA
$ 75.00 Knoxville, TN
$165.00 Crossville, TN
$145.00 Corbin, KY
$220.00 Ringgold, GA
$230.00 Charlotte, NC
$250.00 Lexington, KY
$350.00 Huntsville, AL
$350.00 Louisville, KY
Message if you would like a quote for a different location, and we will get you a quote as quickly as possible.

How To Reserve A Smoky Mountain Folktails Bernedoodle
Pick Your Puppy
We will send you an invoice for the $500 non-refundable deposit (we reserve the right to refund the deposit if we deem necessary, or if the puppy is considered unsaleable). (We accept Cash, Venmo (1.9% Fee), Zelle, and Personal Checks)
Once your deposit is received your puppy will be listed as reserved.
Balance due in full on pick up/delivery day. (On pick up day we accept cash only). If you are paying via electronic payment by credit/debit card it must be made at least 3 business days prior to pick up/delivery.
Going home date is only approximate and may change due to several factors. Please keep this in mind when preparing to bring your puppy home, and note that being flexible with pick up/delivery dates is essential to a smooth transition home.
If using a pet transport service a health certificate is required by law. Our Veterinarian charges $68.25 for a certificate which is good for thirty days. Please let us know ASAP, if you are planning to use this option, so arrangements can be made at their litter exam.
* Note: We are required to collect TN Sales Tax (9.75%) from all Tennessee residents, and on any puppies picked up within the State of Tennessee.